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Ewa Kostarczyk Ph.D.




Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill






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Research reports
Publications > Research reports

Fonberg, E. and Kostarczyk, E. 1980.Motivational role of social reinforcement in dog-man relations. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 40: 117-136.

£ukaszewska, I., Korczynski, R., Markowska, A. and Kostarczyk, E. 1980. Emotionality and exploratory behavior following cortico-basomedial amygdala lesions in rat. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 40; 911-923.

Fonberg, E., Kostarczyk, E. and Prechtl, J. 1981. Training of instrumental responses in dogs, socially reinforced by humans. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science; 16: 183-193.

Kostarczyk, E., and E. Fonberg. 1982.Heart rate mechanisms in instrumental conditioning reinforced by petting in dogs. Physiology and Behavior, 28: 27-30.

Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1982. Characteristics of the heart rate in relation to the palatability of food in dogs. Appetite; 3: 321-328.

Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1982. Autonomic responses accompanying conditioned and unconditioned alimentary reactions in amygdalo-hypothalamically lesioned dogs. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 42: 43-58.

£ukaszewska, I., Korczyñski, R., Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg. 1984.Food motivated behavior in rats with cortico-basomedial amygdala damage. Behavioral Neuroscience, 98: 441-451.

Kostarczyk, E. 1986. Autonomic correlates of alimentary conditioned and unconditioned reactions in the dog. Journal of Autonomic Nervous System, 17: 279-288.

Kostarczyk, E., Fonberg, E. and Prechtl, J.C. 1986.Changes in socio-emotional behavior under imipramine treatment in normal and amygdalo-hypothalamic dogs. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis; 46: 187:203.

Everitt, B.J., Fray, P., Kostarczyk, E., Taylor, S. and Stacey, P. 1987. Studies of instrumental behavior with sexual reinforcement in male rats /Rattus norvegicus/: I. Control by brief visual stimuli paired with a receptive female. Journal of Comparative Psychology: 101: 395-406.

Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1988.Amphetamine effects on unconditional and conditional instrumental responses with alimentary and social rewards in dogs. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science; 23: 10-14.

Kostarczyk, E. and Fonberg, E. 1988. Amphetamine increases intertrial but not conditional instrumental responding in the corticobasomedial amygdalar dogs. Pavlovian Journal of Biological Science: 23: 4-9.

Kostarczyk, E. 1989. Atropine abolishes the differential heart responses to conditioned stimuli of various foods. Pavlovian Journal of Conditional Reflexes; 24: 156-159.

Zhang, X., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1995. Spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the cervical enlargement of rats: descending axons in the ipsilateral brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 12: 8393-8407.

Katter, J.T., Dado, R.J., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1996. Spinothalamic and spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the sacral spinal cord of rats: I. Locations of antidromically identified axons in the cervical cord and Diencephalon. Journal of Neurophysiology; 6: 2581-2605.

Katter, J.T., Dado, R.J., Kostarczyk, E. and Giesler, G.J.Jr. 1996. Spinothalamic and spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the sacral spinal cord of rats: II. Responses to cutaneous and visceral stimuli. Journal of Neurophysiology; 6:2606-2628.

Kostarczyk, E., Zhang, X., and Giesler, G.J. Jr. 1997. Spinohypothalamic tract (SHT) neurons in the cervical enlargement of rats: locations of antidromically identified axons in the contralateral brains. Journal of Neurophysiology : 77: 435-451.

Risher, D.W., Zhang, X., Kostarczyk, E., Gokin, A.P., Honda, C.N. and Giesler, G.J. Jr. 1997. A method for improving the accuracy of stereotaxic procedures in monkeys using implanted fiducial markers in CT scans that also serve as anchor points in a stereotaxic frame. Journal of Neuroscience Methods: 73:81-89.

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